Service dedicated to Museums, Caves, Archaeological Parks, Cultural Institutes, Villages/Towns/Cities, Public Bodies, Associations and Foundations.
L.I.S. is not spoken but "shown"; it is a means of
communication based on visual perception;
*Numerous Sign Languages
exist. Among the best known are: American sign language (ASL), Langue
des signes française (LSF), the British sign language (BSL) and the
Italian Sign Language (LIS);
The international language
database Ethnologue, enumerates over 121 different sign languages;
* Deafness affects 5% of
the world's population, that means about 360 million people.
No Museum, Archaeological
Park, Cave, Cultural Institution, Town, ancient village, Exhibition
or Event should be without the L.I.S. video guide; Many public and
cultural places have already equipped themselves with an L.I.S. video
Many others are focusing
their economic resources to fill the lack of LIS among translated
360 million deaf people in the world
5% of the population
121 sign languages
1,000,000 deaf people
usable Off-Line
integrated on device
Why prefer us:
What we do we do to challenge the status quo of accessibility. What has always been done is not always the best thing to do, which is why for over a decade we have been inspired by a clear and evident objective - to make public and cultural places accessible with digital aids developed together with deaf people and which are safe, easy to use and readily accessible.
Share your needs, or queries with us. Together we’ll find a solution to overcome accessibility restraints.
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